If you have applied for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits and received a denial letter, you might feel discouraged and hopeless. However, Southern Californians should know that a denied claim is not the end of the road. It is the beginning. Nearly 70% of...
SSD Benefits
Appeals process for Supplemental Security Income applications
Benefits received for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) require approval of an application based on a series of medical determinations against existing legal requirements. Applications not approved, or those approved but for an amount the applicant deems...
Disability reviews and when the SSD benefits might stop
There is an undeniable sense of relief for residents of San Diego and the surrounding areas of Southern California when they need Social Security Disability benefits and are approved. However, people might fear the possibility that their benefits will stop while they...
Social Security Disability and non-exertional limitations
For people in Southern California who are unable to work because of a medical issue and are trying to get approved for Social Security Disability benefits, they might immediately think about physical injuries being the primary catalyst for a claim. Of course, many...
How does backpay work in Social Security disability claims?
It is not a secret that filing for either SSDI or SSI benefits through the Social Security Administration can take a long time. Even if a San Diego resident’s disability claim is ultimately successful, it can take months or even over a year to start drawing benefits....
How do you gather evidence of your anxiety disability?
Anxiety, which includes feelings of worry, uneasiness and tension that last for a significant period of time, affects tens of millions of Americans, making it one of the most common mental and emotional disorders out there. And there are many symptoms of anxiety that...
Should I appeal my denial or file a new claim?
There are various reasons why your social security disability (“SSD”) claim may be denied. When you receive a denial letter, you have the right to appeal the denial. When you appeal the denial, you will eventually have an appeal hearing. At the hearing, you have an...
Can you collect SSDI and workers’ compensation at the same time?
Social Security Disability Insurance benefits can help workers who have been injured on the job and are no longer able to work for a living. California's workers' compensation benefits can do something similar for injured workers. Can you collect benefits from SSDI...
Overcoming SSD claim delays
The Social Security Administration may take months to decide on Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income claims. Wait times for an initial decision on disability claims rose from an average of 122 days during the last quarter of 2019 to 169...
Things to know about applying for SSDI
Seeking disability benefits can be complicated. Knowing several facts may help you in this process. Eligibility The eligibility process for Social Security disability benefits is difficult. Applicants had to have been employed for a specific number of years and paid...