Impairments that prevent Californians from working can radically alter their lives. In these cases, Social Security Disability may be a viable option.
Many cases, however, are not easily diagnosed and it can be hard for the patient to convince the Social Security Administration that they qualify for SSD benefits. This is especially true for those suffering from mental impairments.
These challenges are different from physical disabilities in that they are not always as obvious as a head injury, a back injury or other physical problems. Knowing how these cases are evaluated and what to do if a claim is denied is key.
Understanding “serious and persistent” symptoms for mental impairment
People applying for SSD benefits should understand the different requirements to get approved. This hinges on their impairment. Those with mental disabilities should know how paragraph C will play an important part in a case. This is when the Social Security Administration and its evaluators will decide if the impairment is severe enough to warrant benefits.
Mental impairment is categorized as serious and persistent if there is medical documentation that it has been in place for more than two years. Also, the applicant must show that they rely on various treatments like mental health therapy, receive psychosocial support and other forms of care and it helps in diminishing their symptoms.
They must also show that even if the symptoms have diminished, they have marginally adjusted. That means their improvement is fragile and they are minimally capable of adapting to changes in their environment and demands placed on them. Simply leaving the home can be problematic and leave the person unable to function. They might then be able to receive SSD based on meeting the criteria.
Having qualified help can make a major difference in an SSD case
Applying for SSD benefits and wondering how the case will turn out can be worrisome. Those already suffering from a mental impairment that is negatively impacting their lives are likely to feel anticipation and stress, particularly with certain rules and evaluative methods that tend to be confusing.
With paragraph C and the assessment as to whether the symptoms are serious and persistent, it is wise to have experienced advice throughout the process to limit the stress the applicant will face. Gathering the evidence, applying for benefits and moving forward can be made easier by having professional help. From the start, it can be crucial to consult with those who are experienced with SSD benefits for mental impairments.