Living with a disability doesn't mean you must disconnect from activities that bring you joy and purpose. Many people who receive Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits want to volunteer and give back to their communities. But first, it's important to know how...
SSD Benefits
Will my family members receive benefits if I’m approved for SSD?
If you qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits in California, your family members might also be eligible. Knowing how these benefits work can help you ensure financial stability for your loved ones. Who can receive benefits? Several family members may...
What mental disorders can receive SSD coverage?
Social Security's process for evaluating disabilities can vary based on the health issue. Sometimes, it is easy to determine if you will receive coverage, which may happen for physical disabilities posing visible impairments. Other times, the process could be more...
Can Social Security discontinue my disability benefits?
Receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits and support can be a lifesaver for those who need them. But what if the Social Security Administration (SSA) decides to review your case and potentially discontinue your benefits? The SSA can stop your benefits...
How diabetics can qualify for SSD
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that makes the body store elevated levels of sugar for a prolonged time. It happens when the body has insulin resistance, meaning, it does not produce enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels normal. Treatment usually involves...
What Social Security programs can cover blindness?
Vision issues can understandably impact a person's ability to work. In some cases, people can lose their source of income when their vision deteriorates severely, leaving them blind. Fortunately, these individuals can receive Social Security disability benefits based...
What can suspend my Social Security Disability benefits?
Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be crucial for people who cannot go back to work because of impairments and health conditions. Still, their eligibility can depend on a range of factors. Aside from the standard qualifications, applicants might receive...
If I qualify for SSDI, can my child get benefits too?
Having a disability can be hard on you and your family. There's no question that your standard of living can become more expensive, so it’s natural to worry about how you can continue to support your children. But if you’ve worked long enough to qualify for SSDI...
Does my disability qualify me for benefits?
Social Security Disability benefits can be exactly what you need when you have a disability that prevents you from working. The time between applying for your benefits and waiting to hear if you are approved can be stressful. It helps to know what factors the Social...
Avoid these common disability claim mistakes
You don’t need us to tell you that it’s hard to live with a disability. Your physical limitations may make your everyday activities difficult, if not impossible, and your inability to work can render it hard to get by on a day-to-day basis, let alone cover the medical...